
Posts Tagged ‘Washington Monthly’

Oh, the irony.

March 26, 2010 Leave a comment

Once again, Washington Monthly exposes the nuttiness of the right. This time the target is Eric Cantor’s claim that Democrats are “are dangerously fanning the flames” by talking about the violence and death threats that came with voting yes on health care reform. Here’s the whole post from earlier today:

CANTOR AND ‘FANNING THE FLAMES‘…. In the face of right-wing activists engaging in acts of political vandalism, assault, and harassment, most reasonable people should agree that the Republicans who helped generate this rage have a responsibility to help lower the temperature.

House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.) has a slightly different take. As he sees it, it’s Democratswho need to stop “fanning the flames.”


“Legitimate threats should be treated as security issues, and they should be dealt with by the appropriate law enforcement officials,” Cantor said. “It is reckless to use these incidents as media vehicles for political gain. That is why I have deep concerns that — some [Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee] chairman Chris Van Hollen and [Democratic National Committee] chairman Tim Kaine, in particular — are dangerously fanning the flames, by suggesting that these incidents be used as a political weapon.”

Let me get this straight. As the dim-witted Minority Whip sees it, Democrats are facing vandalism, assault, and harassment, and Democratic leaders want it to stop. But by urging responsible officials to denounce (and hopefully, discourage) misconduct, Dems are, Cantor believes, “dangerously fanning the flames.”

Does Eric Cantor hear the words coming out of his mouth as he says them? Does he not realize how ridiculous he sounds? His message seemed to be: “If Dems just stayed quiet in the face of violence and intimidation, everything would be fine.”

A few hours after accusing Democrats of “fanning the flames,” Cantor was the featured guest on a conference call held by the “S.T.O.P. Obama Tyranny National Coalition.”

By all appearances, Cantor isn’t quite bright enough to appreciate the irony.

Here’s the link:

The case for health care reform.

January 30, 2010 Leave a comment

Today’s Notable Tidbits

January 22, 2010 Leave a comment

There’s a nice piece on science fiction in Seed magazine.

Timothy Eagan on the Massachusetts election, health care reform and the stock market.

A cool gift for kids:

In an excellent article by James Fallows at The Atlantic and in a blog post by Steve Benen over at Washington Monthly, there are good explanations of why I’m feeling depressed and mad at the incompetent Democratic party, but even more irritated (no, let me be honest: pi@@ed off) at the Republicans for their mindless bloc voting to stop any initiative any Democrat proposes. This country cannot go forward and prosper with elected representatives who refuse to cooperate with the opposition party. In my humble little ol’ view, the “do-nothing” intransigence of the Republicans Party is pushing this country toward a time when our government truly becomes unable/unwilling to govern. No new taxes is not a mantra for good government. It is a mantra for disaster.