
Posts Tagged ‘Massachusetts Senate Race’

Win Senate Seat, Insert Foot in Mouth

January 21, 2010 Leave a comment

Just in case you’re ever in this situation, here’s a word of advice: Do not do the following after you defeat the woman who would have been the first woman ever elected to the U.S. Senate from Massachusetts:

Today’s RANT

January 20, 2010 Leave a comment

Can Democrats be any more incompetent? In the year when we’re so close to healthcare reform, we lose Teddy Kennedy’s seat to a Republican who ran on the pledge to kill reform. What is wrong with this country that fixing the healthcare system is so scary? Why don’t we care about the health of our neighbors? Why don’t we put money into schools? Why is it that TAXES are such a dirty word?

And why do people like David Brooks think that we have the right to tell Haitians how to do anything? Sure their economy is seriously f**ked up. But it was American bankers and good ‘ol American capitalism that almost sunk the entire global economy.

Sure their educational system stinks. But our inner city and rural schools are hardly turning out Rhodes Scholars by the dozens.

Sure their health care system is dependent upon foreign aid/charity, but we’ve got millions of people without any insurance and millions more who ration care because they can’t pay their deductible or they don’t want to risk losing their coverage because they get sick.

Sure their “voodoo religion” shapes their society, but religion–and fights over religion–shapes our society too.

So what’s my point? I don’t know. I’m sad, disappointed, and mad…all at once. We are wasting a once in a lifetime opportunity to make a positive impact on our health care, our environment, our infrastructure and all our elected representatives can do is lob the same old crazy tired accusations at each other. The Democrats have a majority in both houses and yet they’ve got their panties twisted up so tight they can’t do a damn thing with it .  The Republicans don’t have a single positive proposal about anything and instead of working for this country spend all their time spreading absolutely ridiculous rumors about death panels and Antichrists and voting in a bloc against anything the Dems propose. The folks on Capitol Hill–on both sides of the aisle–are fiddling while Rome burns. And Americans are hell bent on shutting off the fire hose.